Worldwide DEU Alumni

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 07-09-2024


I am Prof. Diğdem Siyez from Dokuz Eylül University, working as Coordinator of The Career Planning and Alumni Relations Office. We are excited to announce a new initiative to spotlight our alumni living in other countries and their remarkable career journeys. We are creating a digital brochure titled “Worldwide DEU Alumni.” This brochure will feature our international alumni, highlighting their current countries of residence and professional achievements. It will serve as a fantastic tool for strengthening connections and we would be thrilled to share it with you once it’s completed. We would love to include your story! If you’re interested in participating, please take a few moments to fill out the form below. Your contribution would mean a lot to us and inspire current and future students. Thank you so much for considering this invitation. We look forward to hearing from you and celebrating your success. Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,
Prof. Diğdem Siyez
Career Planning and Alumni Relations Coordinator
Dokuz Eylül University